5 Online Hygiene Habits to practice in your Home

1. Yes we know – regularly practicing password hygiene is a mundane task, BUT it’s essential that your passwords are regularly updated to ensure your online data is safe and secure. Here’s how to create a strong password:

Password Do's

• Create passwords with at least 12 characters using uppercase and lowercase letters, numbers, special characters and spaces.

• Use a password management tool. Password management tools also have alert and monitoring systems built into them to pro-actively keep your passwords safe.

• Always use Multi-factor authentication (MFA)  when setting up your personal and business accounts. The extra few minutes are worth it to protect your online security.

Password Dont's 

• Re-use the same passwords across business and personal accounts. This puts both your personal information and employer at risk.

• Keep passwords the same for years. Get in the habit of consistently updating your passwords.

• Have short and simple passwords with 5 characters or less.  Hackers can decode them instantly with today’s technology.

2. Everyday objects such as refrigerators, TVs, central heating, Pelotons and doorbells can be run off your home network. There are plenty of benefits to using these smart devices however, they are gateways to more sensitive information through your home network. Ideally, these devices would be on a separate network from where your computers, tablets and phones are connected. 

3. Minimize posting risky personal information about yourself, your family members and your friends online. 

Birth dates and pet names Remove these from the public view on all your online profiles. Hackers will use this information to break into accounts and even guess your passwords! 

Travelling If you are travelling and your home will be unoccupied, we recommend posting your travel pictures after you are back, so that no one targets your home and its assets during your vacation. 

Buying a house While this is a momentous occasion, one should avoid posting the exact address to avoid hackers who could be collecting or selling this data for harm. 

Back to school pictures Posting a picture is a cute occasion to share with your family but don’t include the child’s full name, grade, birth date, weight or height, as well as the name of their school and teacher. 

4. It’s a good idea to go through old posts and delete any information or defuncted online profiles that could present a safety risk per our tips above.

5. Keep your personal social media accounts closed off to a group of trusted friends and family. Make your personal profiles private so that it is not widely searchable via the networks themselves or on popular search engines like Google.

Talk to us about our all-in-one, Cyberboxx Insurance…home coverage predicts threats, prevents breaches and gives protection against cyber bullying and extortion. It also provides online safety training for your kids with great rewards. 

Greg Marcyniuk
Agency owner
Westland Insurance 
100A Fairford Street, Moose Jaw 